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Published: 07 March 2024

HSE Sepsis awareness campaign

A new HSE Sepsis public awareness campaign has been launched to raise awareness of sepsis. Sepsis is a time-sensitive, life-threatening illness, which can develop from any type of infection.

The campaign aims to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of sepsis, increase understanding of the risk of sepsis and encourage health-seeking behaviours when someone suspects sepsis. The campaign channels include radio ads and social media ads, as well as press and media activity.

The role of healthcare professionals is vital in identifying sepsis and taking steps to manage the condition at an early stage as possible. Please see the resources below to support you and your patients.

Adult Sepsis 6

The Sepsis Form (Clinical Decision Support Tool) should be used for patients who have a suspicion of or confirmed infection with an INEWS score of ≥ 4 or ≥ 5 on supplementary oxygen (or <4 or <5 for elderly or immunocompromised patients) and who meet one of the following criteria:

  1. at risk of neutropenia
  2. have evidence of organ dysfunction
  3. have a ≥ 2 SIRS plus ≥ 1 comorbidity

If sepsis is suspected following medical review, this is Time Zero and the Sepsis 6 bundle should be completed within 1 hour. This involves Take 3 (cultures, bloods including lactate, urine output) and Give 3 (IV fluids, antimicrobials, oxygen).However, if you are concerned about a patient, escalate care regardless.

Paediatric Sepsis 6

If there is a clinical suspicion of infection and the child appears unwell, the Paediatric Sepsis Form should be initiated. Broad categorisations of high-risk criteria (red flags) and intermediate risk criteria (amber flags and risk factors) are displayed algorithmically to empower the clinician to act promptly and commence the Sepsis 6 protocol in a timely manner.


HSeLand training

The National Clinical Programmes for Sepsis has two sepsis training courses on HSeLand, which are available as online courses. The ‘Introduction to Sepsis Management for Adults including Maternity’ and the ‘Recognition and Management of Sepsis in Children’ are designed for nurses, midwives, doctors, HSCPs and undergraduate students working in acute care areas. It may also be beneficial to other healthcare workers involved in patient care including Healthcare Assistants. This training is mandatory for nurses, midwives and doctors in all hospital groups.

Patient Safety Alert (December 2023):

Sepsis in Children and Young People

Sepsis information leaflets

Patient information leaflets are available to order from – search by topic for ‘Sepsis’. The leaflets are also available to download in 10 different languages on