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Published: 26 October 2023

Open Disclosure webinar: "The Role of the Designated Person in Incident Management and Open Disclosure"

Webinar title

"The Role of the Designated Person in Incident Management and Open Disclosure "

Date and time

This webinar will take place on Wednesday, 15 November 2023 at 11am – 12.30pm. (event log-in details below).


This webinar will be facilitated by the National Open Disclosure office. We are delighted to welcome guest presenters from HSE Services who undertake the role of the Designated Person.

Purpose of the webinar

  • To explore some of the key aspects of the role and its importance to the open disclosure policy and process and incident management framework
  • To consider the role in the context of the Patient Safety (Notifiable Incidents and Open Disclosure) Act 2023 and the Civil Liability (Amendment) Act 2017
  • To demonstrate the impact of the support provided in this role, in various healthcare settings
  • To outline the skills needed and the communication approaches that are important to fulfil this role


We are welcoming all staff to attend this webinar. Please circulate to everyone in your organisation who may be interested in attending.

We remain very mindful of the pressures that services are currently working under. We will be recording this webinar and making it available on the HSE Open Disclosure website for those of you who may not be in a position to attend.




Please note that CPD is only available for those who attend the live event.

Event Details

NOTE Registration is NOT required for this webinar

Date and Time: Wednesday 15 November 2023, 11am – 12.30pm

Event Number: 2784 960 8639

Event Password: NODO

When you join the webinar you can listen to the webinar over the computer but sound quality may be better over the phone should you wish to dial in:

Telephone details: 01 526 0058, when prompted enter the following access code: 2784 960 8639

Please see practical guidance on how to access the webinar (using the link OR via the internet without the link).

Should you have any questions / concerns that you would like addressed during the webinar, please email and we will endeavour to address them on the day.

Thank you for your continued support for the National Open Disclosure programme and we look forward to engaging with you during this webinar.