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HSE Patient Safety Digest – February to May 2024

This HSE Patient Safety Digest contains journal articles, reports and information relating to patient safety.

The content was sourced by the HSE Health Library Ireland Services and the HPRA in collaboration with the HSE National Quality and Patient Safety Directorate – Incident Management Team.

This edition of the HSE Patient Safety Digest includes a collection of 13 articles (Section 1, pgs. 1-6) and two reports/webpages (Section 2 pg. 6) that relate to quality and patient safety. They are sourced from high quality, national and international peer-reviewed periodicals. Section 3 (pg.7) includes three recently published Direct Healthcare Professional Communications (DHPC) containing important new medicine safety information approved by the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA).

The information and learning shared in these publications are relevant to anyone with an interest in improving patient safety in our health services.