Who needs to take action?
This HSE National Patient Safety Alert (NPSA) is for action by all Hospital Group Chief Executive Officers, Community Healthcare Organisation Chief Officers, Procurement Leads, Store Managers, Capital & Estate Managers, Biomedical/Clinical Engineers, Senior Accountable Officers, all Clinical Staff, Medical Device Committees and Decontamination Staff.
What is the issue?
A medical device is a product, piece of equipment or system that is intended by its manufacturer to be used for a medical purpose to treat, diagnose, or manage illness, injuries, or other health issues. Medical devices also include certain software used for diagnosis, prediction, or treatment planning. Within the EU, medical devices are regulated under the Medical Device Regulation (MDR) (EU) 2017/745 which came into effect in Ireland on May 26th 2021*. Medical device regulation is further upheld by the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA). A medical device intended to be used in HSE/HSE funded services must be CE marked to indicate that it meets regulatory safety and performance requirements**. CE certificates are issued by independent certification organisations called notified bodies.
Please note: Exemptions apply (see supplement**).
When a medical device is in development and does not yet have a CE mark, there are two exceptional circumstances under which it can be used: clinical research or compassionate use. In both instances, an application to the HPRA for authorisation for use of the medical device is required.
How to take action?
1. Disseminate this alert to all staff involved in ordering, procurement, management or the clinical use of medical devices in your service.
2. Undertake a local risk assessment (see appendix) and implement required improvement actions to provide assurance that regulatory requirements concerning medical devices are being met in your service. This should examine:
- Staff awareness of the EU MDR relevant to their role.
- Staff awareness that medical devices intended to be used in HSE/HSE funded services must be CE marked** (noting exemptions described in supplement).
- That mandatory requirements for CE marking of medical devices is included in all health tenders.
- Staff understanding of the role of the HPRA as regulator of medical devices.
- That any non-compliant medical device identified is reported to the HPRA.
3. Contact the HPRA (devices@hpra.ie) to apply for authorisation of use if your service is seeking to use a medical device that is not yet CE marked, for clinical research or compassionate purposes.
4. Report any incident/near miss related to medical devices onto the National Incident Management System (NIMS), to the device manufacturer and the HPRA.
When does the action need to be completed by?
- Action 1 should be completed by 31st October 2023.
- Action 2 should be completed by 29th January 2024.
- Actions 3-4 are not time bound and apply as part of required organisational practice.
Download the alert as a PDF
Download the Medical Device Regulation HSENPSA 002/2023 Supplementary Information as a PDF
Download the HSE NPSA Local Action Plan