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Patient and Public Partnership

The National Screening Service (NSS) partners with patients and members of the public to deliver person-centred care services. This work is a priority in our 5-year strategy, Choose Screening - Together we can make a difference.

Our Patient and Public Partnership (PPP) aims to:

  • empower patients and the public to play a meaningful and active role in the NSS
  • embed partnership working across the NSS
  • strengthen accountability, assurance and learning

Join our PPP

We’re always looking for new volunteers to join our PPP and share experiences with us to help improve our screening programmes. You can take part in our projects, working groups and committees and be involved in developing and evaluating four national screening programmes.

We want our PPP network to be diverse and inclusive and represent the people living in Ireland. We encourage people from different backgrounds, with different perspectives and experiences to get involved.

Frequently asked questions (PDF, 1.3 KB, 2 pages).

If you are interested in joining our PPP, complete this application form and email it to

PPP Resources

These learning and educational resources were co-designed with our PPP representatives to support our partnership work.

HSE NSS ‘Patient and Public Partnership (PPP)’ e-learning module

The HSE NSS ‘Patient and Public Partnership (PPP) e-learning module is available on

This module gives an overview of the PPP, why it’s important, the role of representatives and levels of involvement. It’s an induction resource for new PPP representatives. It’s also a useful resource for new NSS staff and HSE colleagues with roles in patient and service user engagement.

PPP Chairperson guide

The PPP Chairperson guide gives practical tips, checklists and advice for NSS staff working on projects and committees with our PPP representatives.

Patient and Public Partnership Chairperson Guide 2023 (PDF, 626 KB, 17 pages)

Guide to NSS technical language and terms

This guide supports PPP representatives to understand NSS's technical terms and language.

Guide to National Screening Service technical language and terms (PDF, 300 KB, 22 pages)