QPS Improvement
We work with individuals and teams to design and deliver programmes and resources aimed at building skills, knowledge and confidence in using improvement methods to address patient safety priorities. This enables our health service to deliver better care and outcomes for staff and patients.
What we do
Our main focus is to address the 13 common causes of harm outlined in the HSE Patient Safety Strategy 2019-2024 (PDF, 30 pages, 0.6MB). International evidence indicates these are high impact patient safety risks, which, if tackled effectively, can result in improving safety and quality across all health settings.
Our programme workstreams include:
- Delivery of QI capacity-building programmes, including: self-directed eLearning modules, online and virtual workshops (both live and on-demand), and QI project clinics.
- Co-design, testing and publication of evidence-based QI tools and resources, designed for an Irish context.
- Connecting and building professional networks for enabling and enhancing quality improvement at all levels.
Here are some examples of the work we do:
- National Medication Safety Programme
- Deteriorating Patient Improvement Programme
- National Improvement Programme in Wound Management
- QUICKPatientSafety Mobile App to Reduce Harm from Falls and Pressure Ulcers
- Schwartz Rounds
- Q Community
- Sepsis
- Quality Improvement Collaboratives
Quality Improvement Guide and Toolkit 2024
NQPS Quality Improvement Poster template (PPTX, 1 Page, 512 KB)
Infographic: QI Decision Tree (PDF, 359 KB, 1 page)
Quality Improvement Collaborative Handbook 2023 (Word doc, 3 MB, 59 pages)
Framework for Improving Quality in our Health Service 2016
Quality Improvement Toolkit 2019
Leadership Skills for Engaging Staff in QI (2020) (PDF, 2 pages, 0.9MB)
A Board’s Role in Improving Quality and Safety - Guidance and Resources 2017 (PDF, 60 pages, 0.6MB)
Quality and Safety Walk-rounds 2016 (PDF, 17 pages, 1.4MB)
Quality and Safety Committees - Guidance and Resources 2016 (PDF, 40 pages, 4MB)
Quality Improvement Education and Training - Self-Directed e-Learning
We have three self-directed eLearning programmes on the HSE’s online learning portal HSeLanD. To access them, log on to hseland.ie. If you are already registered, login and search for the course name. If you are new to HSeLanD, select ‘create an account’ and follow the registration instructions.
Introduction to Quality Improvement
This module will introduce you to the core concepts of QI in healthcare and encourage you to think about how you can play an active role in improving quality in your service. Awarded 1 CEU Credit (NMBI) and 1 CPD Point (RCPI).
Foundation in Quality Improvement
In this module, you will develop a deeper understanding of the fundamentals of QI in healthcare, as well as learn about a variety of tools and approaches to improve quality. Awarded 8 CEU Credits (NMBI) and 3 CPD Points (RCPI).
Working as a Team for Improvement
This module will support you to identify ways to build effective team working in order to design, implement and sustain quality improvements. Awarded 1 CEU Credit (NMBI) and 1 CPD Point (RCPI).
RCPI Programmes (Hybrid)
The following programmes are funded by the National Quality and Patient Safety, and are free for HSE employees who are successful applicants. They are delivered through a blended learning approach hybrid of in-person and online programme days.
Postgraduate Certificate in Quality Improvement Leadership in Healthcare
This is a practical project–based course delivered over one year, and is designed to provide learners with leading edge knowledge and skills in quality improvement, implementation science, patient safety and enhanced leadership capacity. Programme learners apply as a multidisciplinary team of three members who commit to engaging in a workplace improvement project. The programme is accredited at level 9 with the National Quality Framework for the attainment of 30 ECTS credits.
A short video with interviews from recent graduates of the programme
For more information and to apply, visit RCPI.ie.
Situation Awareness For Everyone (S.A.F.E) Collaborative Programme
S.A.F.E is a 6-month collaborative patient safety education programme, and is designed to enable multidisciplinary clinical teams to implement an innovative safety improvement bundle using QI approaches. The bundle uses interventions such as EWS e.g. Irish National Early Warning System (INEWS), effective communication, psychological safety and medicines safety. The Programme is awarded 21 CPD Credits from the RCPI.
A video showing how the St Luke's Hospital Kilkenny established their huddle.
For more information and to apply, visit RCPI.ie.
Eileen Tormey, Project Manager, QPS improvement
Jessica Cully, QPS Improvement Administrator