HSE National Policy
HSE National Consent Policy
Valid consent to health and social care interventions
Document Owner:
General manager, national office for human rights & equality policy, strategy & research
National Group:
National office human rights and equality policy
Effective From: 22 January 2024
The need for consent - and the application of the general principles in this policy - extends to all actions conducted by or on behalf of the HSE with people in all locations
This consent policy has been prepared to set out in one comprehensive document:
- The rights of people who engage with healthcare workers; and
- The obligations on HSE staff and funded organisations to vindicate these rights.
Guidance is set out regarding the requirements for:
- Valid consent;
- Providing Information;
- Supporting a person to make a decision;
- Support arrangements under the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015;
- General principles if a person’s capacity to decide about an intervention is in question or lacking;
- Dealing with emergency situations; and
- Documenting consent.