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HSE National Policy

HSE Policy on Fraud and Corruption

Topic: Prevention and management of fraud and corruption in the hse
Document Owner: Assistant national director of human resources - national employee relations
National Group: National employee relations
Effective From: 13 January 2025
This policy is intended to provide direction and assistance to all employees who may identify suspected fraud or corruption.

The HSE is committed to maintaining high standards in the delivery of its services and the management of the public funds entrusted to it. In adhering to the principles of integrity, objectivity and honesty the HSE does not tolerate fraud and corruption in the way that it conducts its business. All employees are expected to share this commitment and not engage in or be associated with fraudulent or unlawful behaviour. The HSE encourages all employees who have reasonable suspicions of fraud or corruption to report them in accordance with the guidance set out in this policy.