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HSE National Policy

HSE Policy on the Prevention and Management of Latex Allergy

Topic: Latex allergy
Document Owner: National director of human services
National Group: National health & safety function (policy team)
Effective From: 16 September 2022
HSE's chosen approach to managing the risks to patients, HCWs and others who may be exposed to Natural Rubber Latex (NRL) in the course of the HSE's activities.

It is recognised that exposure to NRL may lead to the development of an allergy, which is associated with a range of reactions to the substance including skin rashes (allergic contact dermatitis), local or generalised urticaria (“hives”), “hay-fever” like symptoms (e.g. rhinitis and conjunctivitis) and asthma. In rare cases contact may lead to potentially fatal anaphylaxis. Contact with NRL may be either direct (skin contact) or indirect (exposure to airborne particles).