HSE National Policy
HSE National Policy on Reimbursement of Expenses for Patient and Service User Partners
Reimbursement of expenses for patient and service user partners
Document Owner:
National patient service user experience lead, office of national public involvement, culture & risk management
National Group:
Public involvement, culture & risk management directorate
Effective From: 01 January 2025
This policy sets out the process to reimburse patient and service user partners for expenses resulting from participation in agreed involvement activities about the design, development and delivery of our services.
The policy includes:
1) The patient and service user involvement activities for which expenses can be reimbursed
2) The rates to be paid for travel and subsistence
3) The forms which need to be completed to make a claim
a) Vendor Form (first time only) See section 3.7.10 in policy
b) Claim Form
4) The support HSE staff provide to patient and service user partners throughout the expenses process
5) The process used to make a claim by patient and service user partners
6) The advance authorisation of travel and subsistence plans
7) How HSE staff process claims
8) When a patient and service user partner receives their expenses.
9) Inclusion requires the recognition of barriers to partnership.
Payments to remove barriers will be considered and pre-approved on a case-by-case basis.