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Published: 19 August 2024

World Patient Safety Day 2024

World Patient Safety Day takes place on Tuesday 17 September 2024. The HSE's theme this year is:

'Listen, diagnose, understand: working together for patient safety'

Resources for everyone

Communication is important for making a diagnosis. It can be useful to write down any symptoms and questions you have to share with your healthcare professional.

We know 1 in 3 people in Ireland find it hard to access and understand health-related information. We also know that some people do not feel comfortable asking questions.

World Patient Safety Day resources flier (1 Page, PDF, 2.23 MB)

My Health, My Voice

The 'My Health, My Voice' leaflet shares 3 questions that can help you get started. These questions are:

  1. What do I need to know now?
  2. What do I need to do next and why?
  3. What can I expect?

My Health, My Voice leaflet (PDF, 2 Pages, 2.49 MB)

My Health, My Voice voice recording (YouTube)

My Health, My Voice poster (PDF, 1 Page, 2.32 MB)

Information on health conditions

For the most up-to-date information on health conditions and medicines visit the HSE Health A-Z

Blood clots

Blood blots are treatable if diagnosed on time. There can be serious complications if the signs and symptoms are missed.

Working in partnership with Thrombosis Ireland and the National Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) programme. We have made resources to raise awareness on the signs, symptoms and risk factors of blood clots. These are available via a series of video clips (YouTube)

Healthcare scans and radiation

Some medical procedures involve the use of radiation, find out about Radiation doses received during medical procedures.

Watch a video on what to expect when having a scan (YouTube)


Sepsis is a life-threatening complication of an infection.

Most cases lead to a full recovery if it's identified and treated quickly. But without quick treatment, sepsis can lead to multiple organ failure and death. Find out about the Signs and symptoms of sepsis.

My medicines list

Keeping a medicines list can help you know your medicines, check the details and ask questions, or discuss your medicines with those involved in your healthcare.

My Medicine list resources

Tips on using trusted information

Using trusted information is important in healthcare. Get tips on using trusted sources of information - bemediasmart.

Listen to a podcast


This page will be updated as resources are launched closer to World Patient Safety Day.

Resources for staff

Listen to a podcast
QPS TalkTime World Patient Safety Day Special


Tuesday 17 September from 1pm to 1.45pm

What is the session about?

Join us for QPS TalkTime live from the NPSO Conference to mark World Patient Safety Day.

  • explore the key themes from the National Patient Safety Office Conference ‘Thing Global, Act Local’
  • learn about available resources for World Patient Safety Day 2024 “Listen, diagnose, understand: working together for patient safety’
  • get an introduction to diagnostic excellence
  • hear how services are marking World Patient Safety Day


  • Joe Ryan - National Director HSE Public Involvement, Culture and Risk Management
  • Kate O'Flaherty - Director of the National Patient Safety Office, Department of Health
  • Bernie O'Reilly - Member of Patients for Patient Safety Ireland
  • Anne Marie O'Neill - CEO, Thrombosis Ireland
Useful resources

National Healthcare Communication Programme (NHCP)

The National Healthcare Communication Programme is designed to support healthcare staff to learn, develop and maintain their communication skills with patients, their families and with colleagues.

The NHCP have resources such as:

  • modules on communication skills for sharing information
  • a summary skills card
  • NHCP information app

Learn more about the The National Healthcare Communication Programme.


QPS TalkTime

World Health Organisation (WHO)

Learn more about World Patient Safety Day on the WHO webiste.

NQPSD Resources

The National Quality and Patient Safety Directorate (NQPSD) have existing Quality Improvement resources which can help you improve diagnostic safety.

Useful research articles

How can you showcase the work in your service?

Let us know about any activities you have planned for World Patient Safety Day. Tag us on @NationalQPS on LinkedIn so we can share your content.