Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly has welcomed the launch of the National Screening Advisory Committee’s (NSAC) Second Annual Call for submissions.
This independent committee makes recommendations to the Minister on the introduction of new population-based screening programmes or changes to existing programmes.
It is now launching its second Annual Call, inviting members of the public and health professionals to make submissions on screening programmes in Ireland.
The Committee today also published its Work Programme, setting out the proposals currently being considered as a result of its first annual call, which resulted in 53 submissions.
It is also seeking four new Committee members with expertise in the Cancer, Communications/Journalism, Diagnostic Imaging and Medico-Legal fields.
Minister Donnelly said: "Screening saves lives and Ireland is striving to be at the forefront of developments in this area. I’m encouraged by the work of NSAC and the level of engagement from the public to date.
"The Committee is building on the work already in progress, looking at the continued expansion of the National Newborn Bloodspot Screening (NBS) Programme, considering changes to our cancer screening programmes, as well as proposals for new programmes.
"I encourage people to have their say by making submissions, and welcome anyone who has the required expertise to consider applying to join this dynamic Committee."
The Chair of the NSAC, Professor Niall O’Higgins said: "On behalf of the Committee I would like to thank everyone who made a submission to last year’s Annual Call. All submissions are given careful consideration by the Committee and are analysed in accordance with best current scientific evidence. Where proposals are not recommended, they can be reviewed at a later date when new information becomes available.
"Our growing work programme now includes evaluation of proposals on cancer and non-cancer conditions, as well as our priority workstream on the expansion of NBS.
"We are pleased to launch our next call for submissions, and I encourage people to submit proposals and ideas. The Committee has made three formal recommendations to the Minister, all of which have been approved and implemented, and we expect to make further recommendations in the near future."