Our BowelScreen Patient Experience Survey
We have launched our Pilot BowelScreen Patient Experience Survey as part of Bowel Cancer Awareness month. Partnering with Cemplicity our survey will gather real time feedback from screening participants and will explore their experience at each stage of their BowelScreen journey.
The purpose of our survey is to capture what our patients think of our services quickly and easily, and to learn from their feedback. Their responses will provide us with information on how well we communicate, the standard of our services and to identify where improvements can be made across the programme including our colonoscopy units.
What does taking part involve?
Taking part in our Survey is very easy and will take 5-15 minutes to complete. A selection of BowelScreen participants will receive the online survey by SMS text message. They will be asked questions about their recent experience of using the FIT home test and their colonoscopy (if applicable), and all responses are anonymised. As this is a pilot project, not everyone will be invited to participate in the survey.
Why is our survey important?
We know that bowel cancer is the second most common cancer in men and the third most common cancer in women in Ireland. Our National Bowel Screen service, BowelScreen is offered to people aged 60-69 every two years and provisional BowelScreen uptake for 2021 is 48.9%.
Our recent research has showed us that:
- 86% of you feel positive towards BowelScreen
- 81% of you feel BowelScreen provides high quality and safe health care
- 81% think BowelScreen puts the interests of people first
Read about our recent BowelScreen Market Research 2021
Hilary Coffey Farrell, BowelScreen Programme Manager said “We want to ensure that our BowelScreen services continue to meet participant’s needs and that they are truly person-centred.” This is part of our Patient and Public Partnership Strategy here. A key part of our PPP strategy is trying to understand what it feels like to use our services and what gets in the way. Our survey offers participants the opportunity to tell us about their recent experience of BowelScreen and these insights will help us to continuously improve the services for the people that use them.
How do I find out more?
For more information on the survey please email: BCS001@bowelscreen.ie
For more information on BowelScreen please visit:
or contact us on:
Freephone: 1800 45 45 55 or email info@bowelscreen.ie