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Published: 09 August 2023

BreastCheck participants invited to share their experiences in new online survey

Following the success of our online Patient Experience Survey for people attending our BowelScreen programme, we are now launching a similar project for our BreastCheck programme.

From 28 August 2023, we will be inviting BreastCheck participants to share their experiences with us.

What’s the aim of the survey?

The online survey aims to gather information from women who participate in our BreastCheck programme so that we can learn from their experiences and improve the service.

Responses are collected in real-time and will provide us with information about how well we communicate and the standard of our services. This will help us to identify where improvements can be made and what is working well across the programme.

Who will be invited?

Women aged 50-69 who have recently had a BreastCheck mammogram and received a normal result will be invited to take part in the survey. Taking part is completely voluntary and women can opt out. All responses are anonymous and confidential.

How to take part in the survey

Taking part in the survey is easy. All eligible participants will receive a text message around 5 days after receiving their results letter inviting them to participate in the online survey. The message will include a link to the survey which will take between 10 and 15 minutes to complete.

What type of questions are asked in the survey?

The survey asks questions about:

  • how accessible the service was and if any additional needs were met
  • how well we communicated and if everything was understood
  • how well the information in our letters and information leaflets was understood
  • general satisfaction with our service and how likely women are to use it again and recommend it to others.

A message to participants from our BreastCheck Programme Manager, Suzanne Lynch

“BreastCheck would like to continue to deliver the best possible service to all women. We want you to share your experience with us so that together we can improve our national breast screening programme. Your ideas may help us to reach and motivate more women to participate in this important programme. We encourage you to complete the survey when invited to do so.”

Where to get more information