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Quality Improvement Guide and Toolkit

Our National Quality and Patient Safety is pleased to share our new QI Guide and Toolkit.

HSE Quality Improvement Guide and Toolkit 2024 (PDF, 2.9 MB, 66 pages)

This Guide is an upgrade and enhancement of the 2019 QI Toolkit, which provided 17 individual QI tools and resources.

Quality Improvement Toolkit - 2019

QI Guide and Toolkit 'Six Steps'

The 2024 QI Guide and Toolkit navigates you through Six Steps for designing, implementing, spreading and sustaining an improvement project in health services.

The Six Steps are:

  1. Identify the quality issue
  2. Understand the problem
  3. Develop a strategy and change idea
  4. Measure for improvement
  5. Small scale testing
  6. Sustain and spread

As you move forward with your project, the guide offers a number of quality improvement methods and tools to assist you achieve measurable change.

What it covers

This QI Guide and Toolkit covers topics such as:

  • what is Quality Improvement
  • selecting a quality topic for QI
  • engaging with stakeholders
  • developing a project charter
  • exploring issues with fishbone diagrams, process maps and “5 Whys”
  • using the Model for Improvement framework
  • collecting and analysing data
  • sustaining and spreading improvements

The tools are interactive. You can record your project’s information directly into the Guide on your computer. Alternatively, you can print out the document and fill them in offline.

We have MS Word versions of all of the tools. To access them, email us at

We would like to thank the many subject matter experts in Ireland, the UK and Australia who contributed to the development of this resource.

HSE Quality Improvement Guide and Toolkit 2024 (PDF, 2.9 MB, 66 pages)


For more information on the QI Guide and Toolkit, email us at