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Incident Management


The Incident Management function of the wider QPS Incident Management Team is responsible for the development of structures and processes for the effective management and review of incidents to improve patient safety. 

What we do

Development and provision of training and support in relation to incident management and review, the development of guidance and tools, and the implementation of a Just Patient Safety Culture throughout the HSE. The Incident Management team works closely with academic partners, leaders in the field of Incident Management and the other functions within the Incident Management Team and the wider QPS Directorate to achieve these aims.


Incident Management Framework

  1. HSE - Incident Management Framework and Guidance 2020.pdf (size 1.1 MB)

Review Tools

Review of Pressure Ulcer Incidents
Review of Service User Falls Incidents
Review Tool Healthcare Associated Infections (HCAI)
After Action Review (AAR)
Look Back Review Process Guideline

Overview of new revisions of Pressure Ulcers and Falls Review Tools and the Guideline for Undertaking a Look-back Review, March 9th 2023.

Learning from incidents

Patient Safety together shares up-to-date patient safety information to help improve our health service for everyone, including healthcare workers, service users and clients.

HSE and the Department of Health Communication Protocol

The HSE informs the Department of Health (DoH) of major/significant patient/service user safety incidents and issues of concern. The protocol is currently being updated.

Incidents or issues are escalated by Community Healthcare Organisation (CHO) Chief Officers to the National Director for CHOs who then forwards this via their QPS team to the National Quality and Patient Safety Incident Management (QPSIM) team when deemed necessary. Hospital Group CEOs escalate incidents or issues to the National QPS Office in Acute Operations for consideration and discussion, and as applicable the HSE Internal Escalation Protocol is triggered and forwarded to the QPSIM team. QPSIM then liaise with the DoH and support any follow-up correspondence with the relevant parties. Please contact the national offices QPS Acute Operations, QPS Community or for further information.

Patient Safety Protocol template (Word doc, 38 KB, 2 pages)

Communications protocol (PDF, 383 KB, 6 pages)

Application to the Forum for Post Graduate Training Bodies for nomination of an external expert support

Related Documents

SRE Guidance January 2015 v1

SRE Summary list as of 26th January 2015

Connect with us

Email the Incident Management team: