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Measurement for Improvement Resources

Effective measurement framework

The 7 steps for effective measurement for improvement: This document outlines the 7 steps and associated tasks to generate and use data effectively for improvement. It is helpful to ensure you don’t forget any key steps.

Guidance for choosing your measures:

  • Prioritising Measures of Quality of Care checklist: This checklist helps you in developing or choosing measures (single measures / KPIs or families of measures) to understand the quality of care.
  • Measurement Plan template: This tool describes the rationale behind choosing a measure, the type of measure, the relevant definitions and how to collect and present the measure, to ensure that a team has clarity on all aspects of measurement being carried out.

Guidance for analysing and presenting your data:

Guidance on surveys and qualitative data:

  • Guidance on how to use and analyse surveys: Surveys are an effective way to quickly gather information and data when you are seeking feedback on a particular topic, fact and information about people or their knowledge, attitudes or opinions about something. This document offers guidance on designing, conducting, analysing and presenting surveys.
  • Introduction to qualitative methods for QPS: The presentation covers what Qualitative Research is and the differences between qualitative and quantitative approaches to research and evaluation, including methods such as interviewing, focus groups, observation and documentary analysis and briefly addresses approaches to analysing qualitative data.

QI self-evaluation guide and workbook:


Measurement for Improvement Glossary: This document presents a glossary of measurement for improvement terms. It is recommended you consult the glossary to familiarise yourself with the technical terms we use in all our resources.

There are additional resources you can consult on LENUS, the Irish Health Repository Please use the key search term QPSIntelligence (no space) to locate our resources.