QPS Intelligence
We analyse, interpret and present qualitative and quantitative data to inform better decision making and drive improvements in quality and patient safety.
What we do
We support the use their of data to generate enhanced insights on the quality and safety of care.
Here are some examples of the work we do:
- Establish the Quality and Safety Signals (Signals) Programme, which will provide an online system that optimises the use of available data for patient safety surveillance and quality improvement. A Quality and Safety Signals proof of concept for Maternity services is currently in development (Jan ’23 – Dec ’24) in partnership with the National Women and Infants Health Programme and HSE Technology and Transformation. This project has received funding from the Government of Ireland’s Sláintecare Integration Innovation fund under Theme 5: Develop, Design, Test, and Implement a Quality Patient Safety Surveillance System.
- Produce QPS Intelligence Reports, such as the HSE Quality Profile.
- Support use of QPS data for decision making, providing case studies, toolkit and support in using Quality Profiles and People’s Experience of Quality to support board and senior leadership teams.
- Enable and evolve approaches for QPS evaluation.
- We advance QPS research and evidence base, including collaborating with the HRB and academic institutions on research projects.
- We provide Measurement for Improvement Resources and support others in using QPS data for improvement techniques, such as Statistical Process Control.
Learn More
Measurement for Improvement Resources
Email: QPSI@hse.ie
Dr Louise Hendrick- Clinical Lead Quality and Patient Safety Intelligence
Gráinne Cosgrove, Senior Statistician
Dr. Gemma Moore, Qualitative Evaluation and Research
Emma Hogan, Senior Statistician
Dr. Marcella O’Dowd, QPS Analyst
Jodi Whelan, Gradlink Intern