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Published: 27 November 2023

National Screening Service publishes new framework to improve equity in screening

We’ve published a new strategic framework to address equity in screening. Understanding and improving equity is a key priority for us in our 5-year strategy, Choose Screening – Together we can make a difference.

Publishing the framework, Improving equity in screening - A strategic framework 2023-2027, our Chief Executive Fiona Murphy said: “In our strategic plan, we have made commitments to deliver a person-centred service that reflects our values of care, compassion, trust and learning and that we will be an open, trusted and listening organisation. This framework is an example of those commitments in action.”


The framework was developed in consultation with a wide range of stakeholders including screening participants, representatives from the community, voluntary and statutory sectors, and our staff. It sets out how we can better understand and improve equity across our four screening programmes: BowelScreen, BreastCheck, CervicalCheck and Diabetic RetinaScreen.

We know from research that barriers exist that can impact participation in screening programmes within specific population groups. We want everyone to understand what screening is and to be able to take part in screening if they want to.

Our Director of Public Health, Dr Caroline Mason Mohan said: “We know that health is influenced by a range of factors including education, employment, income level, gender and ethnicity. People can experience barriers or inequities at any point on the screening journey. We want to continue to better understand and address these barriers. We want to ensure that people can make an informed choice about whether to have screening. If they choose screening, we want them to be able to carry out that choice.”

Priority areas

We’ve identified five priority areas where action is needed to help us better understand and improve equity:

  • Research and data: we will review and apply an evidence-based approach to our work in improving equity in screening
  • Education, learning and development: we will address the educational needs of HSE staff, screening providers and other stakeholders through existing resources or the development of new resources
  • Partnership: we will continue to collaborate and build new partnerships to improve screening participation
  • Accessibility and inclusivity: we will learn more about the screening pathway from a participants’ perspective and address barriers to screening
  • Communication: we will respond to the communication needs of audiences by developing content in partnership with our stakeholders.

Next steps

The framework will help guide the development of action plans focused on each of the priority areas. We’ve established an Equity Oversight Committee to oversee the development, monitoring and evaluation of action plans. This is comprised of our staff, and patient and public representatives.

The framework is available in various accessible formats: a screen reader accessible version, an Easy Read summary, a plain English summary and an Irish Sign Language video summary.