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The National Open Disclosure Office facilitates monthly webinars on Open Disclosure related topics. We are delighted to welcome a variety of HSE internal and external guest presenters to these educational events. We welcome all staff to attend the Open Disclosure Webinars.

The purpose of these webinars is to:

  • provide continual support to staff across the system in the implementation of the HSE Open Disclosure policy
  • maintain communication with Open Disclosure leads, trainers and staff working across our health and social care services, external agencies and patient representative/patient advocacy groups
  • keep the importance of Open Disclosure on the agenda across all services

Each webinar is CPD accredited by RCPI and NMBI for those who attend the live event. Recordings are available if you wish to listen back or for those of you who may not be in a position to attend on the day.

We look forward to engaging with you during our webinar season this year.

Dates for your diary



Date and time



Event number: TBC
Event password: NODO

Note: Registration for the webinar is not required.



Purpose of the webinar



We are welcoming all staff to attend this webinar. Please circulate to everyone in your organisation who may be interested in attending.  

We remain very mindful of the pressures that services are currently working under. We will be recording this webinar and making it available on the HSE Open Disclosure website for those of you who may not be in a position to attend.  


The CPD application for this webinar is in process, details to be confirmed.

Please note that CPD is only available for those who attend the live event.

Archive Webinar Slide Sets and Recordings


Some of our webinar recordings include case scenarios that may echo personal experiences for some viewers and therefore may be upsetting.

13/11/2024 – Healthcare staff experiences of adverse events and why they matter so much

This webinar was presented by representatives from the Centre for Innovative Human Systems in TCD: Prof. Sam Cromie, Erika Carroll, Dr. Julia Louw. This webinar presented recent and current research on healthcare workers’ experiences of involvement in patient safety incidents, the review process and the supports provided. Information presented also highlighted how these experiences impact patient safety as well as staff wellbeing.

18/09/2024 – NHCP: Making Conversations Easier: Communication skills for disclosing errors

This webinar was presented by Wini Ryan from the National Healthcare Communication Programme. This webinar focuses on the core communication skills required for healthcare, specifically when disclosing errors, and highlights tools and resources which can support staff in conversations.

14/08/2024 - Patient Safety (Notifiable Incidents and Open Disclosure) Act, 2023 - with focus on the Notifiable Incidents

This webinar included a panel of speakers across various health and social care settings, including a representative from the Patient Advocacy Service, to discuss in detail and address queries regarding the list of Notifiable Incidents, as set out in Schedule 1 of the Act.

12/06/2024 - HSE EAP Supports for Staff Following Patient Safety Incidents

This webinar was facilitated by the HSE National Open Disclosure Office. Our guest presenter for this webinar was Morgan Lucey, Head of National Employee Assistance Services (MIACP), from the HSE Workplace Health & Wellbeing Unit.

15/05/2024 - Caring for staff after a serious incident in healthcare delivery: Second Victim or Second Casualty

This webinar was facilitated by the National Open Disclosure Office. We were delighted to welcome back Professor Eva Doherty, Director of Human Factors in Patient Safety, RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences as our guest presenter for this webinar.

Professor Eva Doherty has previously joined us on topics that include:

  • Managing Difficult Conversations
  • Making Difficult Conversations Easier
  • Managing Conflict - Tips and tools for resolving conflict with colleagues
20/03/2024 - The Patient Safety (Notifiable Incidents and Open Disclosure) Act 2023 - What it means for me

This webinar was facilitated by Dr John Fitzsimmons and Juanita Guidera who led the discussion on the Act with a panel of staff working in various roles across our health and social care services and a patient representative.

14/02/2024 - Patient Safety Act, 2023 - An overview of the key provisions

This webinar was facilitated by the National Open Disclosure Office and members of the HSE Patient Safety Act National Implementation Working Group.

17/01/2023 - What does Restorative Practice in healthcare look like?

Presented by:

Catherine O'Connell, Lecturer Mediation, Restorative Practice, Mediator, Restorative Facilitator, Conflict Management Coach, PhD Candidate, Maynooth University School of Law and Criminology

15/11/2023 - The role of the Designated Person in Incident Management and Open Disclosure

Presenters and panelists:

Catherine Hand, Trainer and Educator, Open Disclosure Office; Liz Barry, Patient Advocacy Liaison Manager, UHLG; Gary Watkins, Quality and Risk Manager, St John of Gods; Brenda Ryan, Head of Client Services, National Screening Services; Georgina Cruise, National Manager of the Patient Advocacy Service.

11/10/2023 - Patient Involvement in the Incident Management Process

Professor Jane O’Hara, Professor of Healthcare Quality and Safety, Learn Together (funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research, UK)

13/09/2023 - Managing Conflict - Tips and Tools for Resolving Conflict with Colleagues


Professor Eva Doherty, Director of Human Factors in Patient Safety, RCSI

14/06/2023 - The Patient Safety (Notifiable Incidents and Open Disclosure) Act 2023

Officers involved in the webinar:

  • Maurice O’Donnell, Principal Officer
  • Susan Reilly, Assistant Principal Officer
  • Liam McCormack, Assistant Principal Officer
  • Arnel Kidpalos, Assistant Principal Officer
  • Stephen Dredge, Administrative Office
15/05/2023 - "Sharing the Learning - Documenting Open Disclosure"

Leads, managers and officers involved in the webinar:

  • Ms Angela Tysall, Open Disclosure Lead, Manager of National Open Disclosure Office
  • Mary O’Dwyer, Head of Quality, Safety and Service Improvement, HSE Mid West Community Healthcare
  • Linda McEvoy, Clinical Audit and Governance Manager, Beaumont Hospital
  • Noreen Kennedy, QPS Manager, St John’s Hospital, Limerick
  • Cathy Sexton, Patient Advocate Liaison Manager, Cavan Hospital
12/04/2023 - "Medico-legal aspects of record-keeping and documentation"

Presented by:

Mr Asim Sheikh, Barrister-at-Law and Assistant Professor in Legal Medicine, UCD School of Medicine

15/03/2023 - "Positive Health and Wellbeing: What does the science tell us?"

Presented by:

Professor Ciaran O'Boyle, Director Centre for Positive Psychology and Health, Royal College of Surgeons

15/02/2023 - Managing Difficult Conversations: Getting it Right when Things go Wrong (Part 3)

Presented by:

Professor Eva Doherty, Associate Professor, Director of Human Factors in Patient Safety, RCSI

9/11/2022 - Open Disclosure - Approaches to Implementation

Presented by:

  • Moya Wilson, Quality & Patient Safety Manager,
  • Emma Naughton, Quality and Risk Manager,
  • Paula Cussen Murphy, Director of Quality and Patient Safety,
  • Noreen Kennedy, Quality & Patient Safety Manager,
  • Bernie O’Reilly, Member of Patients for Patient Safety, Ireland (PFPSI),
  • Lorraine Schwanberg, Assistant National Director Incident Management HSE, 
  • Angela Tysall, HSE Lead for Open Disclosure HSE
12/10/2023 - Open Disclosure: “The Role of Managers in Supporting Staff following Patient Safety Incidents”

Presented by:

  • Lorraine Schwanberg, Assistant National Director, Incident Management HSE;
  • Angela Tysall, National Lead Open Disclosure HSE;
  • Emer Carroll: National Health & Safety Manager, National Health and Safety Function;
  • Nodlaig Carroll, Organisational Health Lead HSE;
  • Deborah Moriarty, Occupational Health Programme;
  • Una Twomey, Business Manager, HSE Healthy Workplace Framework
21/09/2022 - Open Disclosure: Supporting Staff following Patient Safety Incidents

Presented by:

  • Morgan Lucey, Employee Assistance Programme National Lead HSE;
  • Emer Carroll, National Health & Safety Manager, National Health & Safety Function HSE;
  • Deborah Moriarty, Rehabilitation Lead Workplace Health and Wellbeing Unit HSE;
  • Una Twomey, Business Manager HSE Healthy Workplace Framework HSE;
  • Lorraine Schwanberg, Assistant National Director Incident Management HSE;
  • Angela Tysall, HSE Lead for Open Disclosure
18/05/2022 - Open Disclosure: Focusing on GDPR

Presented by:

Annette Ridley, Information Governance Office Manager ULHG

13/04/2022 - Open Disclosure: the State Claims Agency’s Perspective

Presented by:

Dr Cathal O’Keeffe, Ms Mary Godfrey, Mr Gary McCann - State Claims Agency

09/03/2022 - Preparing for Important Conversations

Presented by:

  • Winifred Ryan, National Healthcare Communication Programme
  • Prof Peter Gillen, Associate Professor of Surgery (RCSI) and Clinical Advisor to the National Healthcare Communication Programme
09/02/2022 - The Role of Advocacy Services Supporting Open Disclosure

Webinars 2021

03/02/2021 - The Role of the National Advocacy Service (NAS) and Patient Advocacy Service (PAS) in the Management of Complaints and Open Disclosure

Presented by:

David O’Duffy, National Advocacy Service & Lisa Walsh, Patient Advocacy Service

17/02/2021 - Applying the Principles of Open Disclosure in a Service for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability

Presented by:

Elaine Teague - Director of Quality Improvement and Safety Development, St. Michael's House & Feabhra Mullally - Risks and Incidents Manager, St Michaels House

09/03/2021 - Making Difficult Conversations Easier

Presented by: 

Professor Eva Doherty, Associate Professor, Director of Human Factors in Patient Safety, RCSI

30/03/2021 - Implications for Open Disclosure in Mental Health Services

Presented by:

Gary Watkins, Clinical Safety Manager, Saint John of God Community Services

Kevin Madigan, Programme Manager, Quality & Patient Safety, Saint John of God Community Services

28/04/2021 - A Culture of Safety

Presented by: 

Dr John Fitzsimons and Dr David Vaughan

12/05/2021 - Update on (i) Open Disclosure Legislation and (ii) the development of an Open Disclosure National Policy Framework
13/10/2021 - “Making Difficult Conversations Easier (Part 2)”

Presented by:

Professor Eva Doherty, Director of Human Factors in Patient Safety, RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences

20/10/2021 - The Role of the Designated Person in Supporting Patients and their Families
17/11/2021 - Open Disclosure in The Mental Health Setting

Presented by:

Gary Watkins, Clinical Safety Manager, St John of God Community Services