Open disclosure training is mandatory for all staff working in HSE and in HSE funded services with refresher training required every three years.
Mandatory Training Requirements
All staff must complete Open Disclosure e-learning Module 1 “Communicating Effectively through Open Disclosure” which is available on HSeLanD.
Staff who may be involved in formal open disclosure meetings e.g. senior managers, senior nursing staff, midwifery and health and social care professionals, medical staff, QPS staff and staff fulfilling the role of the Designated Person must also complete:
- E-learning Module 2 “Open Disclosure: Applying Principles to Practice” and
- Module 3 Face to Face Skills Workshop (3 hours) on the management of the open disclosure process.
Refresher training must be undertaken by all staff every 3 years.
It is the responsibility of each service manager to ensure that staff are trained in open disclosure and to maintain local training records to provide assurance that the service is meeting mandatory training requirements.
Access to Training
This training has two modules:
- Module 1 communicating effectively through open disclosure
- Module 2: Open disclosure: applying principles to practice
The two modules are available in HSElanD.
Face to face training can be accessed by contacting the Open Disclosure lead for your area. Get more information on Open Disclosure Leads.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
All of the above Open Disclosure training programmes attract CPD/Continuing Education Units as follows:
- Module 1: 2 External CPD points (RCPI) and 2 CEUs (NMBI)
- Module 2: 3 External CPD points (RCPI) and 3 CEUs (NMBI)
- Face to Face Skills Training: 3 External CPD points (RCPI) and 3 CEUs (NMBI)
For further information and queries contact the National Open Disclosure Office on
Open Disclosure Leads
Please contact the Open Disclosure Lead for your area to enquire about face to face training or to become involved as an Open Disclosure Trainer. Details for leads can be found at Open Disclosure Leads.
Open Disclosure Webinars
Please see open disclosure webinars for access to previous webinars which have been facilitated and recorded by the National Open Disclosure Office.
Other Training Relevant to Open Disclosure
Communication Skills Workshops are for all staff who deliver health and social care services in the HSE. The workshops are designed to enable staff to take a skilled, sensitive and person-centred approach in all conversations with patients and their families.
National Healthcare Communication Programme
RCPI "Gateway to Communication" Programme is a free online course which is suitable for all medical staff, and provides practical guidance on good communication that is central to the doctor-patient relationship and essential to the effective functioning of healthcare teams. The course has been specially developed for doctors working in the Irish healthcare system and will highlight additional training courses and modules that are provided by medical training bodies and the HSE.
RCPI "Gateway to Communication" Programme
Useful Resources
Numerous resources have been developed to assist staff, organisations and trainers with open disclosure:
- Resources for healthcare workers
- Resources for trainers
- HSE 2020 Incident Management Framework & Guidance
- HSE Just Culture information and documents
- The National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare 2012
- The National Healthcare Charter 2012
- HSE Policy for Preventing and Managing Critical Incident Stress 2012
- HSE National Consent Policy
- DOHC: Building a Culture of Patient Safety 2008